Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This post is of no consequence whatsoever.

I don't really have anything specific to blog about today, but I felt that I have an obligation to my subscribers (I have a whopping six of them. One of those is myself.) to post something from my new laptop that I finally got the guts to buy. He's an HP (which obviously stands for Harry Potter) and his name is Giorgio. He's Italian and likes to wind surf. (Yes, I do personify most of my belongings. For example, my cello; His name is Oliver and his favorite food is Chicken cordon bleu.) This dear laptop of mine has become a great friend in the last 3 1/2 days. We've laughed together; we've cried together. And we will stay up for many more nights together, especially once we reach college.
   I just hope I won't resent him in a few months when I see something way better.

Ciao, Nataly


  1. What does it say about you that you personify your possessions as male? Just wondering. Maybe a future blog..... By the way, congrats on the laptop.

  2. Well my hairbrush is a she, actually. Claudette. She wants to be an Opera singer when she grows up.
