Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sunglass thievery.

So... I have noticed that recently, I have developed a love for sunglasses. I think it's because I drive now. (Although I may have to rethink this theory, as Wil owns and wears sunglasses, but does not drive at all.) Recently, I have bought three pairs of sunglasses that I love.

They are...

My 'mirrors on your face' glasses:
 The name is pretty dang self-explanatory. They're like mirrors... only you wear them on your face.

 My 'these sunglasses are more like cute safety glasses' glasses:

These really are quite useless as sunglasses. But they're cute so I wear them anyways. Yeah... that's what being a girl is all about. Cute, pointless sunglasses.

   My 'I love these sunglasses more than my cat' glasses:
These are my oldest sunglass friends. They have been with me for longer than any other sunglasses and have helped me block the sun out of my life on countless occasions. Although I don't actually have a cat, I'm pretty sure I would not love it as much as I love these glasses if I did. Sorry Cat.

Now you may be asking yourself, "Nataly, what on earth do all of these sunglasses have to do with thievery? You didn't steal them, did you?!?" No, I did not. My problem is that they are repeatedly stolen by someone who really should not have a need to steal my sunglasses. This person is my mother. She has owned many more pairs of sunglasses than I have over her life, as she has been driving for much longer and therefore had much more of a need for them. Still, she manages to lose her sunglasses CONSTANTLY. She has stolen every single pair of sunglasses that I own at some point in time, causing my irrational fear that she will lose my sunglasses. This must stop! I cannot live in this state of terror. SUNGLASS THIEVERY IS EVIL, PEOPLE!!!

Let's stop it, shall we?

Yeah, that is a winky face. I know it looks like I'm closing both eyes. But I'm not...

 Random side-note: I smell campfire. O.o

Monday, October 4, 2010

To Work or Not to Work...

So, I started a job now. I'm a waitress at a Mexican restaurant (Wil, you can stop laughing now. It's still not funny). And I'm kind of hating it. I mean, I guess I'm figuring it out a little better now, but it's still difficult trying to juggle a job along with school, friends, family, sleep and church. The first week however, was possibly the most difficult of my life. I worked four days in a row, and had to close one day, which meant I stayed at work until almost eleven. That was incredibly difficult for me. But this week feels hopeful. I only work two days and I'm only closing one of those days, which is Wednesday. Wednesday is an EXCELLENT day for closing, since it's so slow. I'll be able to start closing a little bit early and get out of there a little earlier. So maybe I'll survive work now. We'll see. :\

Also, I don't have to be bummed about missing either the football game on Friday or my cousin's quince. I'll be able to make it to both. :D